Kanal (2015)



Genre: Action | Crime | Drama

Actor: Anoop Menon | Atul Kulkarni | Mohanlal

IMDb 4.6/ 10 (452 votes)

Director: M. Padmakumar

Country: India


iMDB: https://imdb.com/title/tt5032818/

Kanal (2015): The story is set against the backdrop of global phenomenon "recession" in United Arab Emirates, a time when economic collapse were being felt. The story revolves around a thriller - revenge plot that has resulted as an aftereffect of recession. The story explores the basic nature of cruelty and love in human nature through the lives of four individuals John David (Mohanlal), Anantharaman (Anoop Menon), Raghuchandran (Pratap Pothan) and Kuruvila Mathew (Atul Kulkarni).

Kanal (2015)

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